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Archive for 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

As I say in the beginning of 90% of my blog posts...I'm bad at keeping up with this, and obviously not getting any better no matter what I say. It's been a month and a half. Yikes!

Anyway, that is beside the point. I will now throw out the disclaimer I am going to have a short sappy moment starting now. Tonight I am missing my best (dude) friend, Devon. Being close with someone in the military is so bittersweet. I am so super proud of everything he does, but the "see you later"s are just crappy. End of sappy moment.

After a little bit of begging, lots of "please Dev, this will be really good for my portfolio" and even some bribery with food, I convinced him to agree to a photoshoot. Of course, by the time we coordinated our schedules and he actually got his blues on, I had barely 20 minutes of sunlight to work with, but it was still worth it. He only made stupid faces for the first few frames, only complained about not being able to move in his uniform once or twice, and I only had to almost fall into a drainage ditch to make him smile for real. I'll take it.


I had to throw some funny ones of the two of us in there too. 
That would be our relationship in a nutshell...

Hannah's Senior Session!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Hannah was another one of my last two seniors of the season. I traveled to Ellicott City, MD for her session, so it was quite an adventure. I did, however, enjoy the change of scenery from my usual Lancaster senior locations. I met Hannah's older sister and church camp years and years ago. It's amazing how these connections are made sometimes. I love it!

Hannah was a total natural in front of the lens! You can tell she loved every second of it. I definitely enjoy sessions like that because everyone is so much more comfortable and the pictures turn out great! Like these, see...


Sara's Senior Session!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sara was one of my last seniors of the season...unless I happen to book some more, which I would gladly do! ;) Many of my sessions have actually come from connections through my church. This was one another of them, which is totally awesome! :) This session was super fun. We shot at one of my new favorite locations, and Sara was totally workin' it! That girl can take one fierce picture! I'm sure you all would agree.

Hannah's Senior session will be up tomorrow! Then little Allison either this weekend or early next week! I need to stop slacking on this...seriously...


Jenee's Senior Session!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

With a beautiful blonde and an equally as beautiful location, it makes for a nearly impossible scenario to get a bad photograph. Jenee's senior session was one of my favorite shoots this summer (though I love them all)! We started with a few frames at Jenee's dance studio in Lititz, and then moved down the street to the Siegrist farm, which has so photogenic spots, I didn't even know where to begin.

Jenee is such a lovely girl. She was completely cooperative in bringing all my visions to life, especially in her "dancey" shots (even if she thinks her toes aren't pointed enough, I am still in love with them). Man, can that girl leap! With her adorable outfits and hair that I am completely jealous of,  we easily got plenty of super cute photos from this session. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. :)
