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Archive for March 2013

Caedmon Daniel. My Sunshine.

Monday, March 25, 2013

It has only taken me a whopping 3 months to share the story of the special little dude in life, my nephew. This one might be a long one, brace yourselves.

Flash back to last May, my graduation day. I did the whole commencement thing, so my family and I were out to dinner celebrating and what not. That week also happened to be my birthday, my Dad's birthday, and Mother's Day. Since I had been away at school, this was the first time we had all been together in awhile, so we exchanged gifts for everything that day as well.

This was the Mother's Day card my brother and sister-in-law gave my Mom...
My Mother was in a state of shock and kept asking if they were joking, meanwhile I couldn't stop crying and hugging everyone.

For those of you that know me personally, you know how much I love kids. God willing, I will have a bunch of my own someday, but for now being an Aunt is most definitely the next best thing. Excited doesn't even begin to cover how I was feeling.

The next few months flew by rather quickly. Though they kept the gender a surprise, I was completely convinced it was girl, and I could not wait for the she that was actually a he to be inducted in my cult of glitter and tutus. Oops.

There's nothing quite like the overwhelming joy I felt sitting in the living room with my Mom at 2 in the morning as we opened the text from my brother and saw the picture of this precious little guy for the first time. He may have looked angry as all get out, but he was here, and we were so thankful. Of course, I was totally crying again, because that's what I do.

Caedmon Daniel Gable
December 7th, 2012
10lbs 1oz
22 inches long

His first name, comes from the Christian band Caedmon's Call. His middle name, after Chris and Rachel's good friend who passed away.

The next morning was one I will never forget. Meeting this handsome fella for the first time. My heart was so full.

My brother is a Dad. The flannel and dirty hat wearing kid whom I had never seen hold a child up until that day, now has one of his own. That, ladies and gentleman is a lot to wrap your head around.

Little guy's newborn session was interesting. He is most definitely not like any newborn I have ever seen. He was such a whopper, he wouldn't exactly fit in my props, nor would he all. Wide awake, bright eyed and alert for hours. Little stinker.
And my personal favorite...

Thanks to the super talented blogger Shannon Barefoot, I had a few adorable newborn hats crocheted. As you can see below, that didn't go over so well. Thankfully, I have a spring newborn shoot or two coming up that I plan on using them for to hopefully get some better pictures. They are seriously too precious!
Check out Shannon's blog and facebook page! She is wonderfully crafty! :)


Needless to say as family, we've been enjoying spending time with the handsome little dude. He is now a smiley three month old chunky baby. He's as cute as they come, though I may be a little biased.


Just Because...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sometimes I take pictures just because I have cute friends. Sometimes I jump in a few of them myself. It only takes me a few months to post them...

The wait is finally over ladies. :)

